From Harvest
To Hygiene…

Health &
Quality Assurance
...Entiere combines healthy product formulation with elegant, hygienic, and efficient dispensing design; environmental conservation and humanitarian partnership.

Philip Lowance, CEO
World Club Supply Corp. (WCSC) manages demanding changes in its vertical markets through product innovation, social ecology and environmental conservation. WCSC, founded in 1981, is in the business of manufacturing, and developing liquid personal care products in the health, beauty and room fixtures industries. Unique dispensing devices needed to deliver these products to guests, members and consumers in the hospitality, fitness, spa and institutional markets are developed and manufactured by WCSC.

From Leaf
To Loofa…
Entiere products are inspired by nature, and designed to yield a clean, healthy complexion. Entiere will leave your hair and skin refreshed and moisturized. Created from wholesome plant-based ingredients, our products are paraben free, DEA free, and can be produced sulfate free. Entiere products are lightly fragranced with carefully designed systems of preservation for sensitive skin.
Social Ecology
Our social pursuit encourages indigenous communities within the world’s rain forest environments to economically survive in the modern world.
Our environmental foundation rests on ISO 14001 protocol; providing third-party oversight to ensure that Entiere-Prime is practicing the environmental stewardship we profess. Formulation, ingredients, processing, shipping, distribution, convenience, and consumer use are all conscientiously and perpetually improved leading to a smaller carbon footprint.